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100% Organic Peppermint Leaves. This soothing herb tea relaxes and refreshes with all-natural flavors
Cool, crisp and refreshing infusion with a spicy menthol aroma. Enjoy 3-4 cups a day, especially after meals or when experiencing digestive discomfort.
Herbal Power: Soothes your belly and alleviates digestive discomfort. Our organic practices help us achieve a crop that’s rich in essential oils, lending our tea
its distinctive minty taste and its highly soothing digestive benefits.* The perfect post-meal tea!
How to Brew-l tspl6fI or filtered 02 rich waterI90c-95Clsteep 7minlmilk and sugar not recommended|feel free to add a dash of honey recommended number
of steen -I I FREE loose Ted Filter and one Teg snoon with the ouch Vou can store pinerment ted unto 12 months in a Dry Cool place away from direct
The Tea Trove do-to tio- Peppermint Tea is effective for de-bloatina in the short term. Trv it for fittina into somethina that’s iust a lITTIF bit too tight
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