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Dr. JPG Organics                            Eclipta Prostrata Alba

Bhringraj is a plant species that has been used medicinally for many years in traditional Asian medicine and is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for a variety of ailments especially related to the liver. It is also known as false daisy as well as its scientific name Eclipta prostrata.

Bringraj & Cancer
1) Ayurveda as well as other herbalists have traditionally used Eclipta alba to treat several types of cancer and study published in 2011 indicates that an ethanol extract of the plant has certain anticancer activities. The single study published related to the plant’s effects on liver cancer noted that it had cytotoxic effects which basically means it effectively destroyed cancerous cells. Researchers concluded that Eclipta alba prevented cancer cell proliferation effectively stopping the disease from spreading. (1)

2) According to 2020 study, Bringraj plant extract had a strong anti-cancer effect on colon cancer cells. (2)
3) According to a 2016 study, alcohol extract of Bringraj plant showed anticancer potential against seven different cancer cell lines but was most effective against breast cancer. (3) 

1) Evaluation of hydro-alcoholic extract of Eclipta alba for its anticancer potential: an in vitro study
2) In vitro anticancer activity of Eclipta alba whole plant extract on colon cancer cell HCT-116
3) Alcoholic Extract of Eclipta alba Shows In Vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity without Exhibiting Toxicological Effects

Certifications & Notes
• 100% purely Organic herbal Bhringraj Leaf powder with India Organic and USDA Certification.
•. Chemical free Bhringraj powder for hair without any preservatives and additive

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