• Increases insulin secretion in response to food.

  • Promotes regeneration of pancreatic beta cells.

  • Reduces urea and Uric Acid

BIOTEX analysed the possible raw materials, herbals. Evaluated sources and post a detailed study over 3 years launched the first Herbal Formulation for the management and control of #DiabetestypeII – the 4 DM.

These herbs are rich in :

  • #PhenolicCompounds

  • #Alkaloids

  • #Tannins

  • #Proteins

  • #Liquiritigenin

  • #Isoliquiterigenin

All of which help in the management of #Hypoglycemia , #diarrhoea and #haemorrhages.And due to its all round effects on the human body is a potent “anti-aging” herb.

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