• Dashmool Kwath

    Original price was: Rs234.00.Current price is: Rs195.00.

    As its active ingredients, Dashmool Kwath consists of Prishniparni Bruhat, Kantakari, Gokshur, Bilva, Shyonak, Gambhari, Patla, and Shaliparni. The kwath relieves aggravated Vata and Kapha doshas. In cases of post-delivery complications, it is useful.Benefits : Taking Deep Breaths can alleviate Vata and Kapha ailments. It is useful for menstrual disorders, puerperal disorders, and subsiding swelling in the reproductive organs. It is beneficial in relieving tridoshas with patla.

    Original price was: Rs234.00.Current price is: Rs195.00.
    Total: Rs 195.00
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