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Dr. Priyanka R Shastry
Ayurvedic physician
Exp: 1 Years
Days & Timing
- Sun
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Availability: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Break Time: 01:30 pm to 02:00 pm
Hello there,
I'm Dr.Priyanka R Shastry an Ayurveda Acharya. With the motive to serve the society as a Healthcare professional, I came into this stream, proud to say I made a right choice to take up Indian system of Medicine which I was inspired by my great grand father.As a passionate doctor and an empathetic being, my goal is to provide the best possible treatment to my patients.
I'm Dr.Priyanka R Shastry an Ayurveda Acharya. With the motive to serve the society as a Healthcare professional, I came into this stream, proud to say I made a right choice to take up Indian system of Medicine which I was inspired by my great grand father.As a passionate doctor and an empathetic being, my goal is to provide the best possible treatment to my patients.
Shimoga, Karnataka, India
English, Hindi, kannada
Registration Number
- Acid Reflux
- Constipation
- Gastritis
- High B.P (Hypertension)
- urinary tract infections