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Dr. Kartik Mohan Painuli
B.A.M.S , C.C.K.S ( R.A.V )
Exp: 1 Years
Days & Timing
- Sun
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- Sat
Availability: 10:00 am to 06:30 pm
Break Time: 12:00 am to 12:00 am
Dr. Kartik Mohan Painuli
– Proctologist.(Certified By – Ministry of Ayush, Gov. Of India)
– General Physician.
Have Experience to treat and manage 12,000+ O.P.D cases under Dr. Lalta Prasad and Assisted 250+ Operative Procedures in Ano Rectal Cases.
He is an experienced doctor fully passionate and dedicated towards Proctology and have a through knowledge about all the Ano Rectal conditions with there Treatment.
– Proctologist.(Certified By – Ministry of Ayush, Gov. Of India)
– General Physician.
Have Experience to treat and manage 12,000+ O.P.D cases under Dr. Lalta Prasad and Assisted 250+ Operative Procedures in Ano Rectal Cases.
He is an experienced doctor fully passionate and dedicated towards Proctology and have a through knowledge about all the Ano Rectal conditions with there Treatment.
Registration Number
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